2024 Ultimate Base Camp Giveaway

It still held up to the elements

It still held up to the elements

"I am a Scoutmaster for Troop 151 in Boise, ID. As a long time scouter and outdoors-man, I’m a big believer in quality gear! This last weekend, on our scout Klondike camp, was a testament to the need need of that. It was predicted to snow almost 20 inches in 48 hours, but the temperature was going to be around 32 degrees. So I was a bit concerned about rain instead of snow. I believe I may have jinxed us… it rained and rained and then rained some more. Our troop has one older Kodiak Canvas tent and then a couple of… well the other brands. Guess which scouts stayed dry and which ones got soaked to the bone? As near as I can tell this tent has seen at least 5 years of scouting use and in spite of its age, it still held up to the elements!"

-Tory H. (Boise, ID) Feb. 2017